Identify who you’re proud to be!
Personal Manifesto Private Workshop
How do you know if you’re proud of yourself, if you haven’t yet identified what you’re proud to be.
This 60 minute intensive private workshop will focus on building the bricks of defining your own personal manifesto.
Follow the JELC Q.U.E.S.T. method
The Q.U.E.S.T. method has been created to help you identify exactly what is important to you, and how you want to show up for yourself daily.
Throughout this private workshop, discover your answers to the questions specifically designed to help you know yourself better.
$198 for a 1 hr exclusive workshop
This is a 2023 only offer. Investment will be going up in 2024.
If you want to book for the New Year you can do so here.
Secure your place to work directly with Jade this year, and become more familiar with who you are and how you’re showing up in life.
Formulate a Personal Manifesto that is inspiring, achievable and exciting all at once.