All it takes is a short walk…

How often do you go for a walk?

Not a run. Not a walk to get a coffee. An actual planned, casual walk, with no other motive than to be outdoors, moving your legs one in front of the other?

What if I told you that going for a walk is one of the best and simplest ways to positively increase your mindset and mood? Would you believe me? Anyone that already goes for regular walks knows how true that statement is, but if you’re not a walker it could appear like a genuine waste of time… so let’s me convince you otherwise.

I’m not here to bore you with facts and data and scientific reports long enough to be the Harry Potter series. Instead, I’ve got 5 simple reasons. 5 reasons that make it hard to argue with the benefit of adding a short walk into your weekly (preferably daily) routine.

  1. Walking Helps Boosts Your Mental Health: Walking, especially in nature. (yes, that’s right - get amongst the gumtrees), helps reduce anxiety, depression, and negative moods while improving self-esteem. How? Well, walking actually boosts our happy hormones. It releases endorphins, which are the brain’s “feel-good” chemicals, contributing to an overall better mood and mental clarity. It increases our serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that can help lift and regulate your mood. Walking also helps lower your cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone.

  2. It Improves Your Physical Fitness: Walking is a great form of aerobic exercise - basically that means it’s strengthening your heart and improving your circulation. Good news! Regular walking can lower blood pressure, reduce LDL (bad cholesterol), and increase HDL (good cholesterol), all of which lower the risk of heart disease. It also strengthens your muscles, enhances your endurance and helps support your weight management.

  3. Enhanced Creativity: Bet you didn’t expect this one did you? Walking can have the same impact on your ideas as being in a shower. You know the best ideas always come when you’re away from your desk. This is because walking has been shown to stimulant divergent thinking - essentially allowing your brain to stimulate multiple solutions for a given problem. If you want to get really nerdy, then walking can also stimulate your brain’s Default Mode Network (DMN), which actually helps with day-dreaming and mind-wandering, leading to more innovative ideas. See - you should go for a walk before a big brainstorm.

  4. Walking Reduces Stress: As I mentioned earlier, walking assists with lowering your cortisol levels. A daily walk provides a mental break, giving you time to decompress and unwind. It’s an excellent way to reduce stress and restore your energy levels, especially if you’ve had a busy or overwhelming day.

  5. You’ll Get Better Sleep: For some, this may be the most important of all. Walking, especially when done earlier in the day, can improve sleep quality by regulating your circadian rhythm. Not only that, but it can also promote the production of melatonin which assists with our sleep-wake cycle. Walking also acts as a form of mindfulness which can calm your body, preparing it for bed time.

These are awesome reasons to go for a walk, but your challenge this week for Hump Day Hype Up is to actually take that walk one tiny step further.

Let’s go on a gratitude walk.

When you’re walking today, whether you manage to find 15 minutes or 50 minutes, I want you to reflect on the things that you notice on that walk that you’re grateful for.

Is the sun shining and warming your back?
Are you enjoying a great conversation with a friend?
Did you notice some beautiful flowers?
Was there an incredibly cute dog that wanted a pat from you?

All of these things are wonderful gratitude reflections, and a fabulous way for you to connect with nature and yourself for a short period of time. I’ve already described why walking is so valuable on it’s own, so imagine how much more valuable we’re making it when you add a layer of gratitude to the mix.

Your task this week is simple, but oh so amazingly effective.

Tag me in the photo you share of your daily walk today!!!

Sending love,


Let’s go there, let’s have the toilet chat!


A message from my husband