Hump Day Hype Up - July 3, 2024

There was a bit of feedback last week… people didn’t love the cold shower challenge.

It looks like these challenges may be pushing you outside of your comfort zone. Thats good. I like it. We’re here to better ourselves. Expand that comfort zone, do things we haven’t done before.

Today’s challenge you would have done before. You may not have recognised the positive impact it could have on your life, but I’m betting you would have done it at some point in your life.

This challenge will reap the biggest rewards if you do it in the beginning of the day. So on your way into work, on your morning walk, at your local coffee shop, or at a place where you’re visiting before you really dive into the nitty gritty of your day, I encourage you to complete today’s hump day hype up.

Do it in a place when you’ve got a few minutes to stay still, and connect.

This is because today, your challenge is to spark up a conversation with a stranger. Talk to someone you’ve never met before.

They need to be a complete stranger. Someone you’ve never laid eyes on before.
Open the conversation, ask them a question that will lead to further chat.


How is this hyping you up?

Well, there’s research out of multiple universities that highlights an increased sense of joy, satisfaction and overall happiness when we engage in conversation with a stranger. Thats why.

This is going to help bring more joy into your life.

Need proof? Great, read this research by psychologists and behavioural scientists Nicholas Epley & Juliana Schroeder. They did an experiment, in multiple locations, asking people to talk to strangers on their commute. Ahead of taking on the task, those challenged to connect with a stranger felt certain they would have a less enjoyable commute and that others wouldn’t want to talk with them. Surprisingly, participants who completed the task actually found their commute a more pleasant experience (in comparison to those who were tasked to commute silently, as per normal).

Isn’t that wild! Those who spoke to strangers actually found their commute was more enjoyable!

So, now it’s your task.
Approach someone and start a casual conversation.

Wait - this sounds like a task for extroverts only!

Nope. Wrong.

Within their studies, they found that commuters tend to be happier when they talk to a stranger, regardless of how extroverted they perceived themselves to be. That means that you’re included too introverts.

The best part about this experiment, is that they found this happy feeling continued on into the day. People who engaged with strangers were more likely to feel positive and happy for longer during the day.

Thats a hype up if I’ve ever heard one!!!

Long lasting hyping.

Bring it on!

So, although this may feel scary at first, I want you to remember this research. There were other people who felt the same as you, and actually ended up ranking their experience as more enjoyable.

If it helps, the research also found that the strangers who got approached also found the interaction pleasant. So if you’re reading this and thinking ‘but who would want to talk to me’ then I’ll debunk that fear right now.

Plenty of people would want to talk to you.

Ask them where they’re going today.

Ask them what they do for work.

Ask them if they’re local to the area.

Ask them anything you like to engage a positive and light hearted conversation.

I’m proud of you. I know you can do it!

Go forth, and share the chats.

As always, let me know how it goes.

I’m excited to hear how you found the experience.

Sending love,
Jade x


Hump Day Hype Up - July 16, 2024


Hump Day Hype Up - June 26, 2024