3 Easy Questions to Ask Yourself Ahead of the New Year!

Resolutions, goals, forward planning, whatever you want to call it, with the new year comes a new sense of energy and optimism for what is ahead. This is why it’s the perfect time to have some introspection and reflection on the year that was, to get you ready and prepared for the year ahead. I think it’s important to balance these questions with equal parts reflection and future focussed. We’re learning from the past, while actively focussing on the future.

Disclaimer: your past does not determine your future, so don’t allow it to influence your sense of possibility! I don’t think thats really a disclaimer per se, I just wanted to make a statement.

Statement: Make this the best year yet, by answering these 3 questions honestly with yourself and diving into who you’re capable of being. Ok, I couldn’t use the disclaimer tag again, but I wanted to enforce this point.

2024 is coming!

Now make it your year!!!

Let’s dive in…

Question 1: What was most challenging for me this past year and how can I overcome that next year?

Consider what went on for you in the past 12 months, and what caused you the most discomfort. Was it something relationship focussed? Was it in reference to your career and work? Maybe the most challenging thing for you in the last year was specific to your wellness. Whatever it is, spend some time making a list about what you experienced, and then reflect on what you could have changed to overcome that challenge.

When answering Question 1, consider these secondary questions too:

  • When I consider the challenges in my life, how can I take ownership over changing that situation?

  • What got me into that challenge in the first place and how can I avoid doing that in the future?

Question 2: Who has inspired me most this year? What 5 things about them sparked inspiration?

Modelling behaviour of those your admire is a very quick way to get yourself closer to what you want - if you want what they have. The assumption here is that if people are inspiring you, something about their life is appealing to you. So what is it that inspires you about them? Note it down. Get familiar with the common themes and traits for those you look up to the most.

When answering Question 2, consider these secondary questions too:

  • What can I learn from their success?

  • What habits and behaviours of their’s can I introduce to my life?

Question 3: What would make me proud of myself if I achieved this in 2024?

Sometimes asking yourself to write goals can seem like a huge task, instead ask yourself ‘what would make me proud of myself?’. Be realistic. What can you do with your time that would give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside for achieving it?

When we write our goals for the future, the most important part is also recognising that you’re writing into existence a version of yourself that you would be proud to be. A version that has done the things you value important or impactful… so what are those things?

When answering Question 3, consider these secondary questions too:

  • What habits do I need to introduce to make this happen?

  • Who do I know that has achieved this, what did they do to make it happen?

The quickest way to achieve your goals, is to start the habits of a person who has already achieved them. If you integrate the lifestyle, beliefs and daily routine of someone who is already living the life you’re working towards, then you’ll bring it into fruition for yourself at a much quicker rate.

Start practising the habits of being someone who you’re proud of, notice how quickly things change in your world.

If you want some support in answering these questions, and getting even more clarity on what you want to achieve in 2024 I’m offering private 1:1 workshops for the rest of this year to help you get crystal clear on making 2024 the best year!

These 1 hour private zoom calls will talk through the above and so much more, to help you write goals and action points to start getting ready for the best year of your life. Dramatic much? Yes. True though? Absolutely!!! I’m here to help assist you make your life the best it can possibly be.

If you want to make 2024 the best year yet, then book a call with me right here.
These sessions are a limited time investment of $198 for November and December only!


Do you remember…


When you don’t want to listen to their advice…