Do you remember…
The 21st night of September?
I’m just kidding. I do love that song, but I’m actually wondering if you remember how you used to perceive the world when you were younger?
Bit more existential right? 😉
I was lying in bed last night and thinking about the goals I have for my business, the things I want to achieve, the life that I envision for myself with Dan and our hopefully future children. Lying there, thinking away, and it crossed my mind that there was a time in the past when I didn’t have the habits I have now. There was a time when I didn’t view the world, and myself the way I do now.
If I think back, and you can think back with me, there was a time when I didn’t have a fitness routine, or a mindfulness routine, or positive eating habits. When you think back, do you remember the way you ran your days? Maybe you’re at this point now, with no formal structure. No offense intended, but I think back on that and feel a bit like a Sims character walking around and bumping into walls. I was going places, but no idea if I was on the right path, I was just moving until something happened. Do you kind of feel like you’re just waking up every day and following the motions or are you really conscious and considered with how you spend your time?
These days I’m still not perfect, and definitely enjoy a cheeky sleep in every now and then, but overall I’m way more considered with how I spend my time and how I view my actions and my feelings towards myself.
I’m obsessed with the idea of ‘the finite and infinite games’ at the moment. If you haven’t heard of it, the below is stated by Simon Sinek and a very short overview of the concept:
In finite games, like football or chess, the players are known, the rules are fixed, and the endpoint is clear. The winners and losers are easily identified.
In infinite games, like business or politics or life itself, the players come and go, the rules are changeable, and there is no defined endpoint.
How are you playing your infinite game? Are you choosing habits and behaviours that benefit your success in the game, or are you allowing other characters to make decisions for you?
If you’re feeling like a bit of a Sims character at the moment, and would prefer to be the person running the Sim’s universe, then it’s time to check in with your habits and your routines. What are you doing daily to ensure you’re getting ahead in life?
Questions to journal upon to help you determine where you’re at with this:
What parts of my day today would I have changed, if I could have planned better earlier?
When I wake up in the morning, how am I using my time to fulfil my purpose?
What habits am I most proud of and what habits would I most like to change?
It’s easy to feel like you’re the problem, but sometimes its actually just your crappy habits and beliefs that need an update. Answer the above questions and let me know if you’re feeling like you might need a bit of support in this space.
I’ve become so obsessed with this idea, I’m launching my brand new product around it… more to come on this soon. Send me an email if you’d like a sneaky peak.