Hump Day Hype Up - July 24, 2024

Make people feel good about themselves, and they’ll like you.

Make people feel good about themselves, and you’ll like yourself.

People like you when you make them feel good.

You like it when you make someone feel good.

It’s pretty simple stuff actually. It’s nice to be nice.

Last week we laughed with ourselves. Your Hump Day Hype Up challenge was a personal one, to complete a private laughing yoga session at home, to get those endorphins running. I’m curious to know if you actually did the activity? I had a bit of feedback that it felt a bit silly. I also have some people complete the challenge from their holidays in Europe. If you didn’t complete the session, then the challenge still stands - if people on holiday in Europe can do it, you definitely can. You can find your inspiration right here.

This week, I’m making it a bit easier for you… and it’ll still reap incredible happy hormone rewards.

Remember, the goal of Hump Day Hype Up is to get some mid-week motivation. Energise yourself in the middle of the week to help keep momentum and energy high for the remainder of the working week.

So, what better way to keep energy high than continuing with the momentum from last week.

For Hump Day Hype Up this week your challenge is to share a joke with someone.

Make another person laugh.

We learnt all of the benefits of laughter last week, and if you completed the task I’m sure you experienced them too, but as a reminder here are a few reasons why laughing is so valuable.

  • Laughing not only feels good for your mind, it also stimulates that great feeling in your body.

  • Due to the way our body moves when we laugh, it actually stimulates our oxygen intake further, and increases the endorphins released into your body. As you know, endorphins make us happy.

  • Not only that, it can also stimulate blood circulation and help with muscle relaxation - which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.

So they’re great reasons why laughing is awesome… but why tell a joke?

Well, when we make someone else laugh it actually increases our bond with others. It builds honest, human connection. As mentioned at the beginning of this blog, people like being liked. When you go out of your way to make another person laugh, it creates a bond.

When we share laughter and humour with others, it allows us to:

  • Be more spontaneous.

  • Let go of defensiveness. Laughter helps you forget resentments, judgments, criticisms, and doubts.

  • Release inhibitions.

  • Express your true feelings. We feel more comfortable giving space to deep emotions.

As John Cleese says:

“Laughter connects you with people. It’s almost impossible to maintain any kind of distance or any sense of social hierarchy when you’re just howling with laughter. Laughter is a force for democracy”

So today, make someone laugh.

Get out there and share a joke.

Also - send me the joke too, I love hearing a new one. This is still my favourite joke to this day (yes, you can use it if you wish!):

What is the difference between a dirty bus station and a lobster with a boob job?

One is a crusty bus station and one is a busty crustacean 

It gets me every time!!!

Sending love,
Jade x


Hump Day Hype Up - July 31, 2024


Hump Day Hype Up - July 16, 2024