Hump Day Hype Up - July 31, 2024

Lacking motivation can feel all consuming sometimes. When you know you’ve got big things to do but Netflix and your couch or the Tik Tok app is just screaming your name to continue lounging around with it. The thing that I often remind myself, and my clients, is that motivation comes when we take action. Usually it’s just that first few minutes of doing that thing that will actually kick start your motivation.

But what do you do when that’s not enough?

Well, as James Clear says:

“Most people think they lack motivation when they really lack clarity.”

On days when I’m feeling unmotivated, the quickest way to get myself motivated again is to get clarity.

  • What are my goals?

  • Where do I want to go in my life?

  • What would the dream version of my life look like?

When you know that, it makes it a million times easier to find the motivation to go after it.

As I often remind you, Hump Day Hype Up (HDHU) is all about finding the mid-week motivation to energise yourself for the rest of the week. It’s all about that pep in your step to ensure you continue on with awesome energy and enthusiasm to show up.

That is the inspiration for this week’s HDHU! It’s time to get clear on what is driving your motivation - what do you want your life to really look like?

This week’s challenge is:

To complete the ‘Ideal Me Audit’ workbook.

This simple and easy to use workbook has a selection of questions for you to answer, to help get you back into alignment of your goals and your purpose. When you stop and reflect on what exactly you want your life to look like, it becomes really easy to see small places that you can make quick changes to get you closer to what you want.

I shared this document earlier this week, and the feedback was fabulous, so I thought it was worth sharing it again as your HDHU challenge for this week.

Let me know how you go, and always feel free to book in a session to discuss your answers with more in depth consideration.

Sending you love,
Jade x


Say It Out Loud!


Hump Day Hype Up - July 24, 2024