It’s Just One Thing

Question of the Week: Who inspires you, and what’s one trait of theirs you admire most?

Activity of the Week: 5-Minute Gratitude List: Write down as many things as possible that you’re thankful for in five minutes.

Inspiration from those around you is the biggest hack I can offer for finding more motivation and enthusiasm to create change. The one thing that makes you look at them and be truly impressed - it really only takes a single trait. 

You can look at the people who inspire you and learn from them, or you can look at them and feel inadequate. 

It's your choice which way you frame it, but let's be honest, I'd rather be inspired to become more like them than sit at home feeling sad that I'm not them. Do you see the difference? 

When you've considered the traits that inspire you the most, it's time to implement them - how can you add those traits to your skills list?

That's why this week's activity is gratitude related. The more you can be grateful for what you already possess, the more likely you are to go into life with a positive outlook. You can create the change required to be more like those who inspire you. You are capable of making your life the best it can be! Find the inspiration, feel the motivation, take the action - it really is that simple. 

If that's not a motivational pep talk, then I don't know what is! 

Now go get inspired!!! Happy Hump Day my friend. 

Sending love,
Jade xx 


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