No skin off your nose

She was wearing this wild patterned top, I hadn't seen anything like it before. Ordinarily I would have said it was an ugly pattern, but the colours and the tones just made this woman look absolutely radiant. 

In a supermarket, in a suburb I don't live, I saw her and decided it wouldn't be fair to leave without passing on the compliment.

"Your top makes you look radiant" I said. 

Nothing else, simply the compliment with a smile. 

The way her face lit up was the best feeling in the world. It reminded me why it's so important to always share a compliment. There is literally no skin in the game for either of you. The worst that happens to you is that ignore you or wonder who you are, and the best that happens is you receive a gorgeous smile and brighten their day. It really is a win win. 

Small habits like this, always sharing a compliment, can make a huge impact to your overall confidence and your happiness. So go ahead and make someone smile today. 

Question of the Week: 

What’s one thing you can do today to make someone smile?

Activity of the Week: 

No-Complaints Challenge: Go one hour today without complaining—about anything!

When it also comes to your confidence and happiness, being able to check yourself and how often you speak in particular ways is priceless. 

Todays Activity of the Week is focussed on bringing awareness into how much your mindset is focussed on the negativity, as opposed to optimism and positivity. See if you can go an hour today, if you can last the whole day that is even better, without complaining about anything. I mean anything. No mention to the temperature of the office, or the smell of the bathroom, absolutely no complaining. See what you learn from this experience. 

If you're ready to learn more about yourself, Module 1 and 2 of The Upgrade are focussed exclusively on building self awareness. You can get started this week. 

Happy Hump Day Hype Up!


The Heebie Jeebies