The Heebie Jeebies

'The heebie jeebies' is probably one of my favourite terms ever. Like honestly, who invented it? That person is fabulous. A term that describes the physical sensation you're experiencing in relation to an unpleasant sensation. It makes the whole experience nearly comical, even though the feeling itself isn't usually enjoyable. 

Today I'm referencing this because the humour I find in the term 'heebie jeebies' creates a mindset shift in the way I feel about the actual experience. The fun of the term makes the opportunity to say it all the more exciting, taking away from the actual discomfort of the feeling. 

Our mindset has this powerful way to influence our experience in any given moment, and our language has a substantial role to play in this. The words you use to describe any situation can dramatically shift the experience itself. 

Hence today's Hump Day Hype Up question of the week: 

Question of the Week: 

What is one negative thing you say to yourself regularly that you'd like to change?

Activity of the Week: 

Create a ‘Bucket List’: Write down three things you’d love to experience in the next year and what is the first step you can take towards making it happen

When you've been able to shift the negative voice, it makes doing things that are important to you all the bit easier. Yes, I can help you with that, email me if you want some pointers.

Once you've shifted the voice, you're able to see possibilities more clearly - which is why we're writing down 3 things you'd like to experience in the next 12 months. Start making plans for the good things to roll into your life!


No skin off your nose


A beach walk to start the day keeps the doctor away