What to do when it rains…

It’s raining where I am… and regardless of how confident, happy or grateful that I am, I don’t love rain.

I love being outside.

I love going for walks.

I love the sun, I love the trees, I love the birds.

I love nature…

And I prefer when it’s not raining.

Yes, sure. Rain is from nature too. Arrest me. I’m a hypocrite.

I also know and can respect how important rain is, especially in the dry baron land of Australia… but, if I got to choose, it would only ever rain at night time. While I’m sleeping. The gorgeous pitter patter of rain on the rooftop, while I’m comfortably snuggled up in bed. At that time, on those occasions, I LOVE rain!!!

But, right now - when I want to go for a morning walk, the rain is not my friend.

Why are you currently being unwillingly subjected to my ramblings about the weather right now? I do have a point, I promise.

My point is, sometimes we have to deal with scenarios we don’t want to. Sometimes the rain will fall even if it’s not what we want. When this happens, you have two options - you can sit there and feel sorry for yourself, or you can find the benefit in the situation.

Rain, nourishes our earth. It brings life to our plants, hydration to the animals, and it fills our waterways.

The rain provides the sources required to make beautiful flowers. Pretty, colourful, delightfully fragrant, seed incubators. Which is where I’m leading us towards. This weeks Hump Day Hype Up is to go and smell the roses.

Ok, that was very metaphorical of me… I don’t want you to just go and smell a rose, your actual challenge is to pick a flower that you see today that you think is beautiful.

Hype yourself up with the joy of nature. Recognise the beauty that can come from crappy (see: rain fuelled) situations, and take a moment to appreciate the beauty that we have around us every single day.

If you don’t have any flowers in your garden, I encourage you to go to your local park… or check your neighbours gardens.

Note: I take no responsibility if you get in trouble for picking your neighbours flowers… but I’m sure they look gorgeous on your dining table.

Yes, this is a challenge for this week to help brighten your day and bring you some positive energy to continue the rest of the working week. It’s also a really wonderful motto to live your life by. We’ve all heard the great saying ‘when life gives you lemons you make lemonade’, and sure that may be true but what we’re referring to here is slightly deeper than that.

When you’re in a situation that isn’t your first choice, and things aren’t going as you want, you always have a choice. You can play the victim in this scenario, feel sorry for yourself, and blame the world around you. Or you can choose how you want to make your next decision to best serve yourself. How can you bring positive change from the crappy scenario in front of you. How can you grow? How can you learn? How can you use this situation to make your life or the lives of others better?

Sure, this rain is a very silly and tiny metaphor for some rocky things that life can throw at us… but do you want to be the person who says ‘woe is me’ or do you want to be the person who says ‘I’ve got this, what am I doing about it?’.

If you’d like some assistance in boosting your ability to see the world from a more positive perspective, book a free 30minute positivity booster call with me here.

As always, I’m sending you love.
Jade x


Time for an adventure!!!


Say It Out Loud!