Time for an adventure!!!
That one thing that’s been taking up space in the back of your mind, always thinking to yourself - that would be really fun. Or really interesting. Or really in alignment with my goals. Or really challenging, in a good way…
That one thing, that you often think about but you keep putting off.
Yeah, I’ve had one of those things too.
Something seems like a great idea but it keeps getting put in the back burner. Why do we do this? If we know something is a good idea, why don’t we make it happen sooner?
In total honesty, there are many reasons for this but I’m going to share just a few with you today.
Fear of Failing at Said Activity: This one is so unconscious that it may not appear obvious to you at first. The reality is, we sometimes delay starting something new because we’re worried we won’t be good at it or that it might not turn out the way we hope. This fear can make us hesitate, even if we know the activity would be rewarding. If the idea thats been in our heads for ages doesn’t work out, it can be a bit crappy, so it’s easier to avoid doing anything.
Feeling Overwhelmed: This is SOOOOO common in our modern day, there is so much happening all the time that taking on a new challenge can feel daunting. If the task on your mind requires time, effort, or stepping out of our comfort zone this is multiplied. This feeling of being overwhelmed can lead us to postpone starting.
Lack of Urgency: No one is telling you when you have to do it by, so it’s easier to avoid. When there’s no immediate deadline, we tend to push things off, thinking we’ll get to them eventually. But without a clear timeline, we might never take that first step. (That’s why you have me! Just ask me accountability tracking clients!)
Comfort with Routine: It’s easy to stick with what we know, even if trying something new could be exciting or beneficial. The comfort of our daily routine often keeps us from exploring new opportunities.
So, which of these is you?
And what is it that you’ve been wanting to do?
Great, now you’ve said it out loud you can go right ahead and make it happen.
This is your challenge for this week’s Hump Day Hype Up.
Do the thing you’ve been wanting to and keep putting off.
Is it signing up for a program or course that interests you?
Is it registering for a sport you think would be fun?
Is it planning a holiday that your family needs?
What is the thing, you’ve been putting off doing, and now have me calling it out for you to organise - today!
Do it.
Hump Day Hype Up is about keeping ourselves energised and motivated for the rest of the week. This extends further than just the week in front of us. When we organise things for ourselves, for our development, education or just for fun, it teaches your mind that you’re invested. You care about you. That is so powerful. That is something to strive for.
So this week, do the thing you’ve been putting up. Book the thing. Make it happen.
What will you be doing???
Sending love,
Jade xx