Who I Am Versus Who I Think I Am

Have you ever stopped to consider the difference in the above?

Think about it… who do you think you are? What image have you created of yourself?

Then consider who it is that you’re actually being. Like what makes up your daily habits and routines, your relationships, your career, all of these things that bring together a person - which is the real you.

Or is it?

Don’t mean to get so existential so quickly, but it does play on my mind a bit. Which version of me is the truth.

The version I’ve created in my head, or the version that plays out in my daily activities.

I believe that the way a message is received is the only piece of information that really matters. I whole heartedly recognise that everyone interprets information differently, and if someone has received a piece of information in a way thats different to your intention, its your responsibility to do your best to ensure the message is properly received. (Side note: there’s always exceptions to this based on rationale and logical conversation too.)

The same goes for who you show up as.

If you have a version of yourself in your mind, but you’re showing up differently each day, you’re communicating a different message. Who is the real you?

This can go both ways, some people have a higher version of themselves in their mind, and they show up lower, while others have a lower version of themselves and actually present much higher.

Ever experienced imposter syndrome before? This is a great example. The way you view yourself is very different to how you show up. Usually those around you see you as completely capable and worthy of the position you’re in, while your internal perception of yourself is much smaller and less confident. So who is the real you? The one in your head of the one showing up daily.

I will always argue it’s the one showing up daily.

Whether you’re performing above or below the perception you have of yourself really comes down to your awareness of self and how connected you are to who you want to be and what actions are required to be that person.

The reality is that there are a plethora of versions of ‘you’. Every single person that meets you will create an idea of who they think you are, based on the small or large amount of interactions you’ve had with them.

You will ALWAYS appear differently to others than you will to the way you view yourself. The power is in knowing that you personally are showing up daily as the version of yourself that you’re proud to be. Are your actions and daily behaviours reflecting a version of yourself that you like?

Some food for thought for you on this Tuesday evening. Comment if you have any opinions on this one!


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