The Better Way to Write Goals this New Year

I’m all for goals.

Big ones. Little ones. Fat ones. Skinny ones. Some that wriggle and squirm (maybe thats only funny for me).

What I’m saying is that I love goals. I’m here for them.

And more than goals, I love habits. Habits that support our goals.

You see it’s all fair and well to write down your goals on a piece of paper, but until you start creating a lifestyle that reflects those goals, that’s all they are - written down words on a piece of paper.

So, I’m here to get you more excited about habits.

Think of a goal you currently have. Maybe you want to lose 10kg’s, or your goal is to run a marathon. Maybe you want to reach a big financial goal in your business, or get the promotion you’ve been eyeing off. Whatever the goal is, think about it for me right now.

What can you see when you picture the goal? Can you see yourself actually achieving it? What does it look like? What does it feel like? Can you hear anyone saying things to you?

Great. That is your goal. Beautiful. Feel it. Imagine it. See the idea you’ve created in your mind, because at this exact point in time, it is just that. An idea. It’s not reality. This is why you’ve made it a goal, you want to make it a reality. Bring it into physical existence. You actually want to see yourself in the mirror 10kg’s lighter. You actually want to see the account balance with the extra money in your savings account. See yourself working in the new job. For now though, today specifically, it’s not real. It’s an idea. It’s a creation of your mind. It’s a goal.

So how do you make that goal real?
It can be easier than you think.

You make yourself into the kind of person who is capable of achieving it.

You start the habits that make the goal a reality.

Habits are real. They actually exist. You really partake in them (in theory). They are the real deal. From habits, you get to see results. The idea of a goal comes to life. You get to see it happen in all of it’s glory.

This is why habits really are more important. Without habits, you simply have an idea. With habits, you have real life. You have tangible results that make your goal a reality.

So when you go to write your goals for 2024, alongside simply writing down the goal, I want you to write down all the habits that you need to introduce to your life to become the person capable of achieving the goal.

They could be really small consistent things. For example, a habit as simple as putting $50/week into a savings account. Alternatively, they could be more involved and require more physical effort daily, such as running for 30 minutes each day or preparing your food in a particular way.

The main thing to note is, without habits, goals will not come true. So put as much time into planning your habits as you do your goals this year and you’ll be perfectly on track to achieve the life that you want!

For each goal that you have, consider 3 ways you can bring that goal to life in your daily or weekly life. What does achieving that goal look like in a really practical sense.
Things to consider here are:

  • What does the person who has already achieved this goal do daily?

  • What actions make this goal possible within my life?

  • What excites me most about achieving this goal and how can I utilise that as inspiration?

Habits are created by introducing strong cue’s into your world. The cue to participate in the habit behaviour. If you can utilise the excitement of achieving that goal as a form of inspiration, that’s always a great place to focus attention.

Most importantly, its about recognising the kind of person you need to be to make the goal come to life. Who is the person that has already achieved this goal, and what can I do today to start living that way.

If you need a hand in figuring out your habits - join me on January 8 at the Making Me Online Masterclass.
In this 1hr Masterclass you’ll learn the tools required to make habits that last, and through away the ones that are no longer serving you. Worth joining as we enter the new year!


Who I Am Versus Who I Think I Am


Babe, it’s not you - it’s your shitty habits. Let’s discuss.