It’s ok that you’re not as good as them, and here is why!

Because you’re not them. And they’re not you. And most importantly, because you’re comparing your worth to one aspect of an entire human. There are definitely a million things that you do ‘better’ than they do too. Don’t measure your entire worth in comparison to one aspect of them.

Stop comparing yourself!

Today, I needed to be reminded that we all have our own independent strengths and I thought maybe you might want to be reminded too.

You are incredible in your own unique way. That’s a full stop by the way. End of sentence. No need for anything extra.

You are incredible.

When it comes to people you consider a peer, or even those you look up to, it can be very easy to compare yourself and consider yourself ‘less than’ in comparison to what you’re perceiving within them.
Two key words utilised in that last sentence ‘perceiving’ and ‘comparison’.

You’re comparing yourself to a perception you have of them. Firstly, it’s not the whole picture - it’s a perception that you made up, and secondly, the only person you should be comparing yourself to is yourself. Unless of course, you’re comparing yourself as an opportunity to grow. An opportunity to model. A person to use as a guide for what is also possible for you.
Let’s be honest though, is that what you’re really doing right now? Or are you actually just comparing and feeling shit about yourself while doing so?

It’s the crapping feeling of comparing yourself - you know the feeling, when you see that they’ve completed a task that you’re also expected to do, and it looked so flawless and easy for them - that we’re done with. Throw it in the bin.

Have you ever compared yourself to someone that is a few steps ahead of you in the game and they’re doing things that haven’t even crossed your mind yet. The voice in the head says “why didn’t I think of that?” or “I’m obviously not as talented as them”.

It feels gross in your body doesn’t it? I know the feeling, I’ve also felt it. Which is why I’m writing this article, for myself and for you, to rip that feeling out of your body right now and throw it away. It doesn’t serve us!

I want you to say it with me:

I am me and they are them.

I am great in so many ways. They are great in so many ways.

Their success in one area does not equal my failure in that area.

I can grow and learn from their success too.

I have many successes in many other areas that make me perfectly and uniquely me.

That is why I am awesome, because I am me.

I am worthy, I am impressive, and I am talented in so many ways.

The only goal I have to focus on is to keep being the best version of me.

Now how did that go?

Say it again, and say it with conviction.

It’s really unfair on yourself to equate your entire self worth to one comparison element of their success. You have so many things that make you incredible aside from the one thing you’re putting value on right now.

There would be parts of the other person that you don’t know about, that you definitely excel in. I used the word ‘better’ at the beginning of this article, and I intentionally use inverted commas because I want to emphasise that ‘better’ is subjective. It’s your perception on what they’re doing. There are DEFINITELY people who would look at what you’re doing and say you’re doing a ‘better’ job than them. Remember to look from where you’ve come sometimes too - how far you’ve travelled.

Focussing on others and their success is an amazing way to motivate you and inspire you to be incredible.

The only way you can do this though, is to take note of what they’re doing that you like and start acting on that yourself too. Start looking at others success as a form of inspiration, instead of a sign of failure. It’s not that you haven’t done it, it’s that you haven’t done it YET. There’s still time and you’re still capable. So utilise that energy in a positive way - take action.

Save this article for whenever you need it, as a little reminder that you are good enough.

You’ve got this. I know you do.

Sending love,
Jade xxx


Exposing myself and I hope it helps you too!


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