Hump Day Hype Up - Wednesday June 12, 2024

* Imagine you’re hearing these words in the tone of a TV Game Show presenter *

Welcome back my gorgeous friends to our next instalment of Hump Day Hype Up!!!

Get ready for today’s incredible event.

We’re pushing your skills to the test this week, with a competitive, energising and all round ridiculous challenge.

* ok, you can imagine a normal voice again now *

I laugh, because I started writing this and instantly turned into a game show host in my head. The thing about today’s challenge is that we’re playing a game… the balloon ball game. Games are fun right? We’re here to hype ourselves up, the point is to have fun while we’re doing it.

So here’s how it works:

Grab yourself a balloon and blow it up - with fresh air, not helium (for those people randomly storing a helium tank).
Your task is to get from one side of the office to the other side, by bouncing the balloon, without it touching the floor.

Sounds easy right… we’ll there’s one extra rule!


That’s right, your task is to bounce the balloon across the whole office without touching it with your hands or arms at all.

If you’re like me and you work from home, do the same activity across your house.

Why am I asking you to do this ridiculous activity for Hump Day Hype Up? Well there are plenty of reasons.

The first is because, well, when was the last time you played with a balloon? This childhood nostalgia actually activates parts of our brain that encourage the happy hormones to activate and be released. When we can do activities that we loved as a child, our body remembers this and recreates that feeling of joy.

Another reason why this is an awesome mid-week motivation tool is because playful activities stimulate the release of endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. You know the old saying ‘exercise gives us endorphins and endorphins make us happy’. Yeah, well thats why. Getting your heart rate up for a minute and making it playful at the same time is incredibly beneficial for your body and your mind.

Finally, and potentially the most important reason is that, playfulness has been associated with improved cognitive flexibility and creativity. A-ha. Playing this game can actually help your brain!
Engaging in playful activities can help clear your mind, improve focus, and increase problem-solving abilities, as supported by findings in the European Journal of Humour Research​.

Can you make time today to do this activity yourself? Or even better, can you complete the activity with your colleagues? There are even more reasons why doing this activity with others can be beneficial for your health and your mindset.

Be sure to upload a video of how you went doing it. Did you complete the challenge across the whole room?

Remember my gorgeous friends, if you’d like to have more support in building your confidence and adding positivity to your life, I’m offering all sessions for $198 for June only. You can book a session right here.


How to Handle Judgement from Others


Hump Day Hype Up - June 5, 2024