The biggest thing holding you back from finding your purpose...

Spoiler alert - it's you! Keep reading to find out what you can do.

You're standing in your bedroom, staring out the window, or maybe you're standing in the shower purposelessly letting the water run over your body.

In your mind you're saying to yourself 'what is next?'. 'What do I want?'. 'How do I make the next decision?'. 'Is this all there is to life?'.

My friend, you're not alone. I talk to so many of my clients who are going crazy with the frustration that they don't know what they want to do with their life. They're just running along aimlessly having no real direction or focus.

Can you relate?

If you're in a position where you're wanting to find your purpose, you're ready to take the reigns and feel like you're moving towards something, then I want you to consider the following two questions. Your answer to these questions will highlight the work required for you to find your purpose.

  1. Do you believe you have a purpose? If the answer is YES then I want you to ask yourself this…

  2. Do you believe you are worthy enough to life a life that is fulfilled by your purpose?

Ok, how did you go?

If you answered no to the first question, then that is your answer. You need to do the work and assess the reason behind why you don't think you have a purpose. Your first step in finding your purpose is assessing your beliefs around people who do have purpose, and why you believe you're not one of them.

If your answer was no to the second question, that is your answer. What makes someone worthy enough of being able to feel fulfilled by their purpose? How are you not worthy enough? That is the work you need to do first.

The reality is, you can be chasing to find your purpose all day, but if you truly don’t believe you have one you’re never going to find it. It could so obviously be staring you in the face, but until you believe it’s possible for you, you’ll keep sabotaging the opportunity to find it.

Focus on building your self worth first, the purpose will come second.

I said from the beginning, you're the one getting in your own way. The feelings and beliefs we have about ourselves will always dictate our experience.

I'm currently accepting 1:1 clients for coaching in October. I have 4 places available. If you're looking to build your worth, reach out.


The Secret to Developing Your Confidence


You can give yourself permission.