
Curate your mindset

This blog is the JELC passion project to help you get simple and effective easy to use tools to help curate the mindset for a dream life.

Jade Lloyd Jade Lloyd

Is Social Media the New Christmas Card?

A Christmas email is what my parents send out every year now. My Mum will send a card to her nearest and dearest, but mostly everyone receives the Lloyd Family Christmas email with photos and updates on how everyone is doing.

I think it’s lovely, and I wonder if it’s a dying tradition. Is this a generational thing, or is it an age thing?

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Jade Lloyd Jade Lloyd

The Upside and the Downside of Being Multi-Passionate

I am a self proclaimed, proud, badge wearing, multi-passionate human. I have so many interests and am always running down different tangents being excited by multiple things. Which is awesome. It feels great to so frequently be inspired.

It also feels tough when you don’t know which way to run.

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Jade Lloyd Jade Lloyd

Consistency is More Important than Perfection

I used to live by the term ‘done is better than perfect’. As someone who spent a lot of time avoiding action, because I was so paralysed with fear of getting something wrong, knowing that getting something done is more important helps a lot.

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Jade Lloyd Jade Lloyd

Who I Am Versus Who I Think I Am

Think about it… who do you think you are? What image have you created of yourself?

Then consider who it is that you’re actually being.

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Jade Lloyd Jade Lloyd

The Better Way to Write Goals this New Year

You see it’s all fair and well to write down your goals on a piece of paper, but until you start creating a lifestyle that reflects those goals, that’s all they are - written down words on a piece of paper.

So, I’m here to get you more excited about habits.

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Jade Lloyd Jade Lloyd

Exposing myself and I hope it helps you too!

This is challenging for me, because I have a lot of beliefs, and in total honesty, I am still coming to terms with some of them myself. I whole heartedly believe them, and I find it difficult to articulate exactly what I mean when I’m talking with people who have differing beliefs.

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Jade Lloyd Jade Lloyd

Do you remember…

The 21st night of September?

I’m just kidding. I do love that song, but I’m actually wondering…

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Jade Lloyd Jade Lloyd

3 Easy Questions to Ask Yourself Ahead of the New Year!

Resolutions, goals, forward planning, whatever you want to call it, with the new year comes a new sense of energy and optimism for what is ahead. This is why it’s the perfect time to have some introspection and reflection on the year that was, to get you ready and prepared for the year ahead.

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Jade Lloyd Jade Lloyd

When you don’t want to listen to their advice…

I whole heartedly believe that illness is the body’s way of delivering a message to our conscious minds. It’s a reflection of something deeper going on within us and a message to take action on an area of our lives.

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